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RapidoRaptor 06-28-2002 10:19 AM

I love the question, Why do you ride?
Anyone else have trouble with the famous question "Why are you still ridding" or "Why do you ride"?

I get all stuck with feelings that no words can discribe easly. I think that is why people whom have ridden for many years never talk about it. We just say "That was a wonderful ride" or "I had a great time", when it was the Sun set or Sun rise or Wind was cool and thick or to many things to list. Some old riders reply to the famous question "If ya have to ask, then you would not understand". I realy find words do not easly apply to the discription. You all know the Harley Slogan "Live to Ride, Ride to Live". I think that is as close as one can get to answer of why I still ride.

Anyone else have a answer to this question of "Why are you still ridding" or "Why do you ride".


Mongo 06-28-2002 12:12 PM

Many a chrome part on my heritage is emblazoned with "Live to Ride, Ride to Live".

It's hard to explain....I just usually respond with a dirty look and "because it's who I am"

Either that or I give the "if you have to ask....."

Interested to see what others say though.

PHAT-BOY 07-01-2002 01:25 PM

Ahhhh the memories
I suppose I am on the younger side of the Harley Rider spectrum, not to call anyone on the board old by any means, but I am 29. Maybe I am mislead in that thinking. I know around here, I am one of the younger guys on a Harley. Been riding dirt bikes since I was little, and on the streets for 12 years. Not too many ask me why I ride. But if someone asked why do I ride? I ride for the memories. Memories of people I have ridden with that have passed on, memories of those that I currently ride with that I will reflect upon later in life, and memories of family members that rode and helped get me into bikes. Live to Ride, Ride to Live to me means for me to fully live my life, I ride. People that ride seem to understand.

Ride Safe

SoberBiker 07-01-2002 08:31 PM

That is a question that brings up mixed emotions.
I ride because I would rather ride than do anything else.

Common sense tells non riders to not do something after it hurts them. Well, I guess my common sense trigger broke!
I ride because I can...If i can't ride I really don't want to do it!

I have given up jobs that interfered with my ridin. I have walked away from women that interfered with my ridin. I have moved to different states based on the weather for ridin. I guess, the question boils down to...WHY NOT?

Gill 10-21-2002 10:34 AM

Why do I ride
Maybe I'm just a rebel....
from as far back as I can remember I have always had an obsession with motorcycles, my Mother could not understand why her little girl would rather go look at a bike or play in the dirt and oil and help her brothers build engines, than play with her dolls. Then when she forbade me from having a motorcyle I just could not help myself from going out and buying one. That was over 16 years ago and I think she has got used to the idea now, my Daughter who is 8 years old now has been riding with me since she was only 4 so she is destined to follow in my footsteps, I think, the only difference is that she will have my support when she wants to learn to ride, she'd rather sit on the back for now though.
Going back to why though, I think it is the feeling of freedom I get when I am riding, nothing else can match it.

redneck 10-21-2002 10:58 AM

why do I rde?
never really thought about it. i ride because i can iguess? its in the blood. its not for the thrill of danger,its the thrill being around an elite group of people who knows where i am and where ive been. that always welcomes you. see a bunch of cagers do that. its in the blood. if you got it you know it. its the feel of the wind, thesmell of the air,and the rumbleof the pipes under an underpass. for me i guess it comes back to if you gotta ask ....... REDNECK
herbalaire vaporizer

RapidoRaptor 10-21-2002 01:34 PM

Brothers and Sisters on two wheels, Somehow we all have a puzzle part that does not fit civilization or todays society. I will allways ride, I will allways be who I am, a biker. I will not attempt to try and be someone else, (much to the disapointment of my boss) and I will always treat my friends with open arms and hugs, (much to the disapointment of my boss). My boss ask why do I assoiate with biker-degenerate type 1%ers. I reply because you get what you see. This subject can get real involved and to deep.

Keep Ridding
If ya Dream, then DO

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