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Mongo 02-03-2003 08:22 AM

When life throws you an anchor instead of a lifesaver
Lately I've been thinking about how much I have to complain about sometimes. Work stresses me out, I have a boat load of stuff to do at home to fix up the house, I need more money to get a new bike and so on and so on.

Then I realize what a jackass I am. Let's look at each one.

Work Stress: Who gives a damn. Sure you gotta love what you do, and yes money does matter but in the end, it's just work. If I screw up or don't meet a stupid deadline are they going to literally kill me? what's the worse that can happen? They chew me out and make me feel like shit, who's only a job.

Work around the house: I should enjoy this shit not hate it. Really, everything I do makes the place a nicer place to live (hopefully). Again, I'm the only one that pressures myself to get this stuff done...if I didn't get it done....will I die? Nope.

Money: Everybody wants more of it, I'm just another Joe in line to make some dough and get some toys for me to have fun with. Saving money is hard, making it is hard, spending it is easy. Nobody ever got anything worthwile by not working. Big deal, in good time...I'll have my toys.

I've kinda grounded myself to what is important in life lately. Finding time to enjoy yourselves and keep in contact with people you care about. Being happy about what you have and what your future will bring you. I'm healthy, got a good amount of time in front of me, have a good family...and shit....I got BikerForums.

I guess it's just a change in attitude, take care all.

knightgale 02-03-2003 02:42 PM


All those things you mentioned, each of us experience in our daily lives,but therapy for me, and literally feel better is riding my bike, all the woes listed is on everyone's list, we just have to deal with and yes, adjust our attitude accordingly.

So many others are not as fortunate as we, many have no job, no home, no friends, no bikes, etc, so after all we have to say we are in fact blessed in so many ways. I understand the down feelings, I get those a lot esp now that I had to quit my nursing career, but I live for the days I can ride my bike and perhaps visit some buddies along the way--to me that is the joy of living, in my world.

Chin up now, and ride that bike like you stole it, ha ha

Have a great week

Knightgale :D

WooHoo! 02-04-2003 05:45 AM

Nicely said Mongo. I needed to hear something like that lately. I feel like I'm always burning the candle at both ends and not enjoying life. I'll try to slow down and enjoy what's important,
like getting my chopper finished (screw the house work!). ;-)

PHAT-BOY 02-04-2003 07:02 AM

Puts a lot into perspective doesn't it. Great post man. Winter is a time that I am typically analyzing everything cause I'm not out much. Man, I hate winter, but it's a good time to think. With my position change at work, I'll be traveling a lot more, so I'll have to be sure and take some more time for family and not sweating the petty things. With breaking ground next month on the new house, selling our existing house myself, and moving the company to Houston, I'm sure the next 6 months for me will be pure hell, but posts like this will help me stop and think more. Plus I always got my brothers and sisters here on the boards to talk to.

Thanks man!

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