Check for recalls on your vehicle by make, model, and year.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

What is a recall notice?

A vehicle recall is an announcement from a vehicle manufacturer or from the National Highway Transportation and Safety Association (NHTSA) that the vehicle or some aspect of the vehicle, including motor, car seats, trim and tires, fails to meet minimum safety standards and should be corrected. A recall notice can affect just a few vehicles within a certain make, be applicable to those with specialized parts or trims, or cover an entire line of make or model. Recalls can be for something as major as airbag or tire failures, or for something smaller like an engine valve malfunction which causes the fuel gage to stop working. Famous examples include the Ford Pinto recall when it was discovered that the gas tanks could become pierced by rear bolts, and thus explode; and the Takata air bag recall which addressed air bags exploding under certain conditions.

Are recalls mandatory?

Since vehicle and equipment recall notices are issued for safety, owners should make arrangements to bring the vehicle to the manufacturer to correct the problem. In certain extreme cases of safety violations, the recall notice will indicate that the owner should not drive the vehicle.

Do I have to pay or will the manufacturer pay for the recall related repairs?

Manufacturers are required to pay for safety recall-related repairs for any car that is 15 years old or younger (from the date sold to the first owner). It's possible that manufacturers will also pay for older vehicles, depending on the repair and scope of the issue.

How do I find out if there is a recall on my vehicle?

Vehicle owners should receive a notice in the mail from any safety recall, but the (website) Recall tool will allow you to select recalls by vehicle year, make, and model.


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